June 17, 2010

Look what you've missed, living like this, nobody wins.

Since then, I am because you are.
Since then you are, I am, we are.
& through love I will be,
you will be,
we'll be.

Last night was fun, I went home for awhile and made sure Hitomi was okay (She fell 6 floors off my balcony the previous night -.-;), then I vacuumed the house and headed back over to Heathers. I had tea with her and she showed me this collection of buttons she has. Then we went on a Husky mish and got chips and juice. We took the long way home and took pictures of flowers in peoples yards. I grabbed some chives that were growing on the side of the road, they weren't as tasty as they could have been. We got back and then it was suddenly 10:30, so I headed off to bed. I slept in Heathers room again because Ken was doing stuff on B's computer that involved loud music. I texted Tara pretty much the entire night. We didn't go to work until 9, I work with Jeff tomorrow, and then I don't work until Monday. I'm on my way to go meet Nezi for sushi tonight. I'll update later or tomorrow.

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