May 14, 2010

There's nothing changing, thats a lie.

My life is strange.
And I mean that in the best of ways. 
I can't even begin to understand life and it's curiosities.

Love, an emotion, is one of these things I wonder about.
My life is strange.
I like a lot of things, a lot of people.
Have I ever really loved any of them?

I suppose I could say I love horses. I feel so level around them. 
I can confide my truths and fears to them, and shed my tears upon their skin.
They don't judge. They don't tell me wrong or right.
I feel no hatred for them at any time.
They bring me comfort and peace without doing anything at all.

I guess that's love.
 My life is strange. 

Now we'll get to actual blogging. I got back yesterday from another Slave Lake trip. Kira didn't make it this time. We had to do the cheese section and then had to stop halfway through because we had to wait for Jamie the Manager who never ended up coming. Anyways, we worked for 13.5 hours that day. Then we got our hotel room, and proceeded out to BP's for dinner. There wasn't much else to choose from. We ate our foods and then went back to the hotel room. I was introduced to Katie, Tara and Mar's friend. She hung out with us for awhile while we watched Skins. She left and then we went to sleep. Woke up at 5:30 am, ate breakfast and continued to work. We finished at around noon, went to subway for lunch and then drove all the way home. We got back around 5 ish. I fell asleep at about 7:30, woke up with a giant headache at 6 am, and then went back to sleep until 10. I have some plans with people today. Like tea, and dinner and swimming at 10-12. I need to clean my house thought right now. Ciao.

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