May 15, 2010

It'll never lie to you.

 I need to get a hold of my self.
Maybe it's because I'm sick, but suddenly I'm afraid.
Scared of losing things. I'm so sad at the thought of people coming and going.
I don't want it. I like things the way they are.
The way they were. I know it's too soon, but I don't feel like I fit in.
Things will change.
I know change is inevitable. Everything is always changing. Always different.
My life feels like it's in a thousand different pieces and I'm trying to tie them all together,
but they keep slipping apart.
I feel like crying but there is no reason for it.
I want to scream and I don't know why.
Something is missing, I'm not sure what.
I want things to be simple. Level. Calm.

Can you hear your heartbeat? It will never lie to you.

And since then, my life has changed. Just as I expected. People are coming and people are going. I can say that I'm happy where I am though. Very happy. I feel loved, and loving. That is all I'm going to say right now, partially because I'm tired, and partially because no one really needs to know anything else.

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