March 4, 2010

Springtime, loveshine.

Yesterday was fun! I went over to my sisters house and cleaned up a bit because she's working in camp and her roommate/best friend is about ready to have a baby. I got into a little rum and had myself a shot or two then I bussed home. Marissa got back from work and we both went back over there to play with the dog, but Heather (the pregnant roomate) was already home. I made a few phone calls and then we came back home. 

Then Tanya and I went out to Karaoke at Avenue Pizza. That was interesting. We sung a few songs and had a drink. There were these really uptight folks there who were taking everything uber seriously and they got mad at us when we sung this country song. It was funny that they were so serious. Then we went to McDonalds and caught the bus home.

I made Marissa a lunch, because that's what I do, I be uber nice to people and make sure they always have everything they need.
Thanks Hayley.

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