January 28, 2010

Thursday discommodes.

Well. Tomorrow we begin to move. I should most likely start packing. Also, I think I'm going to drop writing 12. It's ridiculous. I can't do all of these things in 26 days. Math, Bio, Writing, taxes, work for Manon, visit my horse, hang out with everyone I need to before I leave. Dropping Writing would make things a tad easier because then I would be free to do everything else without worrying about another course to finish. As it is, I would have to do 6 assignments a day, everyday, until the night I leave.
Oh man, Valentines day is coming |=. I hate this day, and yeah it is because I have no one to spend it with. It's not even that though, I've gone through 4 V-days alone. So, naturally I'm going to have some disdain towards it.
This is whats coming up: Moving, Aboriginal support thingy at the college, Grad photos, Grad hoodie order is due, counselor meetings, Valentines day, Carys's birthday, mini skirt party(?), sort through my shit to see what I am taking/leaving, Mom arrives, Dinner with Marlene (roommate), Mom and I leave, new life begins. /= Wowee. 26 days huh. (Starting Monday).

I'm definitely dropping Writing 12. O-o;

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