January 29, 2010

Friday Night Falafal - Moving tomorrow.

Hmm, okay where do I start? Last night was interesting. I got invited out to Harmony's but then plans changed and everyone went to Cam's. I went with Tim. When I got there, I hadn't planned on drinking, but Tim offered me beer and I started drinking.
And then, I got a little out of hand.
My friend and I made out a lot. Then I got all the boys in the house to take off their pants and sit in their boxers, I showed people my boobs. Made out with three different people. Bit Sam, Dougie and Cam on the neck. Holly bit me pretty hard because I bit Sam.
That was about the extent of my night. I got home at 4 am, talked to Tim until 5 am and then woke up at 10 am, threw up and had stupid ovarian pains all day.
I packed up all my stuff tonight and then had a sleep. Now I'm just going to stay up until about 10, and then have lots of energy for moving tomorrow.
People are going to be here around 10 am so I figure I'll get up about 9. Things are happening fast again. I got my T4 finally. I'm going to take it into Nelson and then pay off Fiona.
I go into Nelson on Monday for math and bio. I also need to call the counselor and rebook my appt. for a different time. In my foggy minded state I booked it for when I'd be in Nelson.

Silly me.

V-day: 16 days.
Edmonton: 28 days.

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