February 4, 2010

Unhappy thoughts.

So, today, I woke up at 8:40 am, and I laid in my bed and asked myself "Why should I get up? What do I need to do right now that's worth anything?" then I closed my curtains and forced myself back to sleep. I finally crawled out of bed at noon, stoked the fire and fed myself. I showered and then finished my math assignment.

I can feel this sort of dark cloud moving overhead. I'm keeping just ahead of it, but I can see it. I can feel it. It has the potential to ruin this all for me. I'm keeping just ahead of it right now. I'm tired of everything right now. I'm tired of people, words, food, parties. I'm tired of the cold and the dark and damp.

I think things are just starting to get at me a little. I'm a bit stressed out. I have a lot of things to do before I leave, and I've got so little time to do everything. I need to keep my chin up.

Everything will work out just fine.

V-Day: 10 days.
Edmonton: 22 days.

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