February 3, 2010

Over bearing mind.

Made cheesecake and then went over to Tims and hung out for a bit. It was Cam's birthday so we went over there and drank a bit with a few people. Cam was sort of depressed and it kinda rubbed off on me. I got home at midnight and talked to Tim then went to sleep.


Woke up early ish, ate breakfast and brought Harmony cheesecake at the school, but she had left to go home. I gave it to Holly and the boys. Then I went down to Selkirk for an aboriginal support thing. It was alright.

I had a bit of a spat with my brother today over something he said to one of my friends. It's all good now. I've been getting a little too stressed out lately and I kinda blew a fuse last night and wrote some shit on facebook, anyways it's all good now.

I wonder if I'm getting a little off topic talking about emotional things that don't have anything to with me moving to the city.

V-Day: 11 Days
Edmonton: 23 Days

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