February 6, 2010

Composing Disposition

I went out with Tim last night. We went over to Pat's. Bunch of people were there. The katimavik kids, Nicola, Jayson and that crew. Tim gave me the rest of the peach vodka he had the other night. It was a pretty low key get together. We played 'fuck the dealer'.

I think it's a good idea for me to quite bringing my phone to parties with me. Drunk dialing is not 'ftw'. People get their drunken feelings hurt too easily.

Tim and I left Pat's place at around 2 am. I was pretty drunk. I wanted to walk home but decided to just stay the night at Tim's. I got up at 7 am with Tim, who had to go to work, and then he gave me a ride home. I slept until about 11.

I didn't really do much today. I'm going out to Pat's again tonight with Holly and Tim, and the Katima-peeps. I will not be drinking beer. I found out today that I'm allergic to something in it. I had one beer last night and I had a killer fucking headache all day.

V-day: 8 days.

Edmonton: 20 days.

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