January 29, 2010

Friday Night Falafal - Moving tomorrow.

Hmm, okay where do I start? Last night was interesting. I got invited out to Harmony's but then plans changed and everyone went to Cam's. I went with Tim. When I got there, I hadn't planned on drinking, but Tim offered me beer and I started drinking.
And then, I got a little out of hand.
My friend and I made out a lot. Then I got all the boys in the house to take off their pants and sit in their boxers, I showed people my boobs. Made out with three different people. Bit Sam, Dougie and Cam on the neck. Holly bit me pretty hard because I bit Sam.
That was about the extent of my night. I got home at 4 am, talked to Tim until 5 am and then woke up at 10 am, threw up and had stupid ovarian pains all day.
I packed up all my stuff tonight and then had a sleep. Now I'm just going to stay up until about 10, and then have lots of energy for moving tomorrow.
People are going to be here around 10 am so I figure I'll get up about 9. Things are happening fast again. I got my T4 finally. I'm going to take it into Nelson and then pay off Fiona.
I go into Nelson on Monday for math and bio. I also need to call the counselor and rebook my appt. for a different time. In my foggy minded state I booked it for when I'd be in Nelson.

Silly me.

V-day: 16 days.
Edmonton: 28 days.

January 28, 2010

Thursday discommodes.

Well. Tomorrow we begin to move. I should most likely start packing. Also, I think I'm going to drop writing 12. It's ridiculous. I can't do all of these things in 26 days. Math, Bio, Writing, taxes, work for Manon, visit my horse, hang out with everyone I need to before I leave. Dropping Writing would make things a tad easier because then I would be free to do everything else without worrying about another course to finish. As it is, I would have to do 6 assignments a day, everyday, until the night I leave.
Oh man, Valentines day is coming |=. I hate this day, and yeah it is because I have no one to spend it with. It's not even that though, I've gone through 4 V-days alone. So, naturally I'm going to have some disdain towards it.
This is whats coming up: Moving, Aboriginal support thingy at the college, Grad photos, Grad hoodie order is due, counselor meetings, Valentines day, Carys's birthday, mini skirt party(?), sort through my shit to see what I am taking/leaving, Mom arrives, Dinner with Marlene (roommate), Mom and I leave, new life begins. /= Wowee. 26 days huh. (Starting Monday).

I'm definitely dropping Writing 12. O-o;

January 27, 2010

T minus 2 days to lift off.

So, my roommate and I are moving in to her new house this weekend. I'm all tense and uptight. I need to finish my Biology and Math. I have 1 assignment in bio + the final report and 2 assignments left in Math. I have an entire writing course to finish. The entire month of Feb I need to buckle down and crank out the Writing. I don't even like writing that much. I want my camera back more than anything. A picture's worth a thousand words, right?.
Ugh. Whatever. I have a doctors appt. tomorrow. Sushi tonight with my friend. I should pack up what few belongings I have, tomorrow as well. All I really want to do is sit at the school and do all my work. Maybe I'll start going up to the library at the school. That would be nice and quiet. No distractions all day.
I've been drinking neocitron before going to sleep because my back hurts, and Tylenol doesn't help. It's really gross. I wake up all groggy and I feel all, dismantled. During the night, I have all these fucked up dreams and I wake up an my vision is all skewed and distorted.
I'm gonna go start packing up some of my stuff.

January 26, 2010

The first post.

Well hooray for new posts! I created this blog to keep track of the events that occur in my city life. As I am not yet in the city, the first little bit will be about getting there.
I live in a small town in B.C. I'm having trouble finding a job, and I'm out of a place to rent at the end of Feb. So, because most of my family lives in Edmonton and Alberta, I decided I would try it out. I was born there, but was moved out to B.C when I was young. I don't regret it one bit. I love this place.

The ups of moving to the city:
Meeting new people.
Getting a job.
Learning new life skills.
Eating as much sushi as I can.
Access to so many things.
Closer to family.
Making new friends.
Experiencing different things.

The downs of moving to the city:
Different mindset.
Risk of meeting the wrong people.
Risk of losing a sense of myself.
Risk of getting to caught up in things.
Leaving my horse.
Leaving my friends.

So, my current situation: I'm renting a place with a roomate. She just bought a house a few weeks ago and we are moving into this weekend. I'm moving to Edmonton at the end of Feb.

I'm feeling a little bit scared, as well as excited. I've met some amazing people there and I'm stoked on spending more time with them. I'm afraid of the things that I know come with change. Silly things, like maybe I'll upset someone, and it'll make things weird. I'm scared of finding out that some people may not be who I think they are. That always happens. It happened with my brother. He also lives in the city, I hope I can get close to him again. I'm excited about making money and eating sushi all the time. Trying ice wine and dancing at the clubs. I'm afraid of the mistakes I'm bound to make and the people I might end up hurting. I'm excited about working out regularly and swimming lots. I'm afraid I'll miss this place too much and want to come back.

Oh well. We'll see.